Avrams' eu

Avrams Domains


Click the link that follows if you want determine yours coordinates together with the map. These version is intended for mobile devices but works well on desktop/ laptop environments. The version is platform independent. You must Allow reading the Geolocation if you want do so or Deny if you don’t want when asked by your browser. You have two versions available here and you can see only one of them. Click to open in separate window if your browser do not permit you to see in the same time. It works in in the same time on Safari on Apple – OSX Mavericks. I see also in October, 2014 that it works too on Chrome in Windows 8 Professional!

A statical map …

Click to Open Geolocation with a statical map in a separate window

A marked dinamical map …

Click to Open Geolocation with a marked dynamical map in a separate window
